ATP Science Max Lift Lemon Icy Pole 500g


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Max Lift was born from a chance meeting between elite lifters and ATP Science formulators at a major competition in 2022. The athletes were complaining about having to combine individual amino acids in the correct amounts to get the most out of their performance. Our team suggested adding aminos with electrolytes and other Nitric Oxide boosting ingredients. This formula would enhance hydration; a major factor in strength and improve N.O. without using Arginine or Citrulline which may lead to a “blow out” in the muscle from too much blood. The athletes casually remarked how they wished such a product existed with one important omission…that there was no caffeine as many of their events and training session where in the evenings and too much caffeine would significantly interrupt their sleep, not to mention their adrenals.

Hence Max lift was created an answer to their problem.

So…When Lift Matters!

Max Lift is a blend of performance aminos, smart nitric oxide (N.O.) stimulating herbs, Electrolytes and powerful growth inducement compounds.

Creatine, Beta Alanine and Citrulline are the “Performance Aminos”. A mainstay of any serious lifter. The attributes of these three amigos (aminos) is well known. Combined utilising the latest research, Max Lift delivers what you need under one lid.


Creatine. The unit of energy in the body is Adenosine Tri-Phosphate (ATP). When you exercise, ATP is degraded down to Adenosine Di-Phosphate (ADP). This breakdown process releases energy. To get more energy back, you need to convert ADP back to ATP and Creatine is the amino acid that makes this happen. This is why Creatine can be used for any activity.

Beta Alanine. When you exercise, you may feel your muscles burn. This is a buildup of an acid called lactic acid. Beta Alanine buffers against this acid build up. The end result is that you can work out harder and stronger.

Citrulline. Muscle 101 here – you need blood to get to your muscles, especially when you exercise. Citrulline increase vasodilation, which allows your muscles to access your blood, which carries the nutrients and oxygen your muscles need, especially while they are under load.


State Dependant Nitric Oxide. Too much of a good thing is a common saying and absolutely true when it comes to STRENGTH and N.O. Most formulas are designed for increasing pump to stimulate muscle growth at the expense of muscle contraction and strength. This is where Max Lift differs from the competition. We use a synergistic blend of Schisandra and Pomegranate in combination with a specific amount of Citrulline designed to support N.O. production when required by muscle to lift without creating an all out blood engorging event.

Electrolytes are often overlooked and considered boring and have no significant impact of strength…well that would be wrong. Some studies show that as many as 40% of gym goers are in some state of dehydration. This has a profound effect on reducing muscle endurance time by as much as 4% and reducing muscle strength by up to a whopping 6%.

Finally, there is Alpha GPC an amazing compound that should be part of every lifters supplement regime. But there are a couple of problems - one it is horribly expensive and secondly, most companies don’t add enough to get the full benefit. Most companies add this compound to the mix to say it’s on there, asically to advertise it on the label. Unfortunately, most have this ingredient under dosed. It has two key effects: the first effect at 300mg (found in one serve of Max Lift) related to the brain and focus. The second benefit is found at 600mg (2 scoops of Max Lift) which has benefits we can’t print on this label. So perhaps look into to this yourself and ask how much Alpha GPC do I need? How much is my current supplement giving me (if any)?

Max Lift is designed to do what its name suggests and help you to perform at your best. If lifting heavier than last time matters to you then give Max Lift a try and measure the result for yourself.

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